Proudly known and referred to in the industry for two decades
supporting startups, scale-ups, incubators, and large enterprise

Helping your business succeed
Make your voice heard by engaging in thought leadership, critical thinking, and fostering meaningful connections. Do not shy away from the hard conversations and moral dilemmas of our time.
shape the conversation and manage relations
Are all industry parties aiming for the same outcomes? You tick the boxes, such as hiring talent and putting endless hours into innovation, R&D, and your company’s bread and butter. You attend every industry-related event. You send in your case studies to be nominated for the leading awards in the industry. Yep, I know. The world is growing increasingly complex. Think of ESG, AI, and the multitude of developments that cause sleepless nights.
AI promises business efficiency but offers new challenges in terms of your decision-making and morals, ethics, and integrity. Agencies let you believe in the holy grail but present the same strategies, tactics, and activities to position and compare the company. You’ve often seen the same execution, again and again, to support sales KPIs, communicate in an integrated manner to connect the company’s building blocks, influence conversations, boost diversity and inclusivity, and achieve other corporate ambitions, such as CEO positioning.
Don’t let yourself be confined to a machine-like cycle with predictable yearly forecasts. Wasn’t it Einstein who said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”?

Yes, yes. Build brand awareness, enhance sales, and combine data-driven and digital marketing with traditional media relations. Let’s ensure effective corporate communication to serve stakeholders and maintain reputation, powerful exits, and M&A. Yes, let’s review the industry again, update the competitor analysis once more, and define the sharpest messaging for the coming year.
Who needs media training? Who will act as representative? Of course, execution is a symphony of channels. We will use the PESO model of earned, owned, paid, and shared media. Design? Let’s contact the creatives. Can we include gamification, for example for customer experience? Oh, that content will find its way to the right buyer personas. You bet.

I’ve been around the block… Experience, insights, knowledge, and C-suite, media, influencers, and analyst relations are part of the job. But honestly, that is not the magic I offer. I offer who I am. Someone who can look at any campaign plan differently because of my life story, rich background in terms of roots, and my way of thinking as a freethinker and autonomous spirit. Someone who knows about synergy, because I love people and I love what I do.
Let me do the magic by never losing sight of morals, ethics, and integrity, connected to well-being, and what I have done for many years, namely reputation and stakeholder management – including PR, marketing, communications, and networking. I visualize all of this as three interconnected pillars, closing the triangle. In short, I’ve got you.
Transcending a promise into reality
We can do it. Are you in?

Business development planning
Reputation/issue management
Change communication
CEO positioning
Strategic planning for integrated PR, marketing, and communications
Market mapping
Stakeholder mapping
Competitor analysis
Digital marketing
Proactive and reactive media relations in the Dutch-, English-, and French-speaking regions of the world, and representation
Content in text, audio, and video, both online and offline using the PESO model, and in Dutch, English, and French.
Event and awards support
Traditional and digital advertising
Stakeholder communication
Media training and presentation
Other training and workshops. Plus, motivational speaking.
And more. You get the idea…
Building judgment and willpower to strengthen integrity and handle the gray areas
Also referred to as moral dilemmas

Moral deliberation
Wait, there is more. Ever heard of programs focusing on building judgment and willpower to strengthen integrity and handle the gray areas – moral dilemmas? As part of moresprudence, moral deliberation cannot be missed and should be led by the company’s communications and relationship-building block.
I do not shy away from hard conversations while inspiring people to hold on to their inner compass and to (re)discover their blueprint. The programs integrate personal blueprints for successful collaboration and synergy. Sometimes, these programs require strengthening inclusivity in the sense of cross-cultural communications, culture, and codes of conduct.
Everything is tailor-made, so reach out and share with me where you are at. Happy to listen and discuss what I can offer.